• New swimmers may pay for the first trial session individually to see how they get on. You will also need to set up an online account with our specialised software called SWIMPHONY. This will allow you to track lesson payments, view course information and view your child’s progress.
    • If you’d like to continue after your initial trial lesson, you’ll receive another email to confirm the balance due. This will include the payment due for the rest of the current month and a month upfront (paid by bank transfer). Going forward every time your DD takes a payment it will be for the month ahead.
    • You will be invoiced on the 1st of each month and thereafter. Then the DD will take on the 7th of each month. Please note if the 7th falls over a weekend or a Bank Holiday Monday, then the DD will pull the next working day.
    • If you decide to finish lessons with us, you will need to confirm by email and cancel your DD before the 7th of the current month. We will then send a removal confirmation email, stating the lesson end date. You’ll continue lessons with us until your pre-paid lessons finish. These pre-paid lessons are non-refundable, which you agreed to pay when signing up for our lessons after the trial.
    • If you cancel your DD after the 7th then another payment will of taken and your pre-paid lessons will be added to the end of the paid month. We will confirm your end date in an email once we have received your email confirmation regarding finishing.


      • Once you log into your SWIMPHONY account you’ll be able to update your details, see the full breakdown of costs and be able to set up your direct debit to continue with lessons.
      • By agreeing to pay for your membership at Laura’s Swim Academy by Direct Debit you are entering into a contract where the full fees for each month are due as a minimum once the first payment has been made. Paying by Direct Debit allows the full cost of the term to be broken up into monthly instalments.
      • The DD takes 10 days to set up, please note that if this is not arranged 10 days before the end of the month, the DD will commence from the 7th of the month after and you will need to bank transfer the amount due.
      • Once you log into your account you’ll be able to update your details, see the full breakdown of payments due and received and be able to set up your direct debit with GoCardless (in the payment section) to continue with lessons.
      • Each monthly direct debit payment will automatically be adjusted depending on the number of weeks in the following month. Lessons that aren’t on will not be included in the monthly amount. However, if there is a last-minute cancellation and your payment has already been taken for that month, then the cancelled lesson/s will be credited to the following month’s invoice.
      • For the avoidance of doubt, you are obligated to make every direct debit payment regardless of non-attendance whatever the reason for non-attendance may be (unless a doctor’s note is provided where we will refund the remaining lessons paid for).
      • Your direct debit payment will automatically be taken to secure your place. If our payment is not received for any reason your space may be offered on a ‘first come first served’ basis to others after your pre-paid lessons have finished.
      • All payment notifications are sent out by email from GOCARDLESS 6 days before payment is taken, so please check your spam box in case it does not come through to your main inbox. If for some reason you do not receive your notification, then please get in touch with Laura’s Swim Academy & another email will be sent to you. Course information can be checked in your Swimphony account upon registering & therefore it is the client’s responsibility to keep details up to date.
      • If you bank with NatWest, HSBC or Nationwide then the payment will show on your statement as GoCardless Ltd. All other banks will show the payment as Laura’s Swim Academy Ltd.
      • If there are any problems or delays with DD set up then payments can be made by BACs transfer until any issues are resolved.


  • If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement for a period of more than thirty days, then we may pass the debt to a third-party company for collection. The reasonable costs incurred in employing the third party company will be borne by you including costs in tracing you, should you have changed your address without informing us. Please be aware that missing a Direct Debit payment may affect your credit rating.


      • No deductions are allowed but you can transfer the missed lesson to a different day as long as it’s within 4 weeks of the missed lesson (this is subject to availability & may be dependent on cancellations and therefore isn’t guaranteed).
      • All pools run term time only, apart from Laura’s Swim Academy (in Coleshill). Where lessons run for 46 weeks of the year.
      • At Laura’s Swim Academy (in Coleshill), lessons not included within the 46 weeks are for lessons over all of August and the two-week break for Christmas.
      • Crash course lessons in the holiday periods are available but are optional and won’t be included as part of the DD.
      • If an instructor is present then the lesson will continue as normal and no credit will be applied.
      • If the pool closes for any other reason at short notice, a credit will be applied to your Swimphony account.
      • Cover will be provided if the usual instructor is absent. If it cannot be provided, then the lesson will be cancelled and credit applied to your account.
      • If we have to cancel lessons and you are paying by DD, the amount will be credited to the following month. 1to1 lessons will accumulate a credit on their account if paid by BACs.
      • If a credit transfer is issued and you no longer wish to continue, only then will a refund be offered.
      • Direct Debit payments will continue unless you email to cancel. This can simply be done by emailing Laura’s Swim Academy and the DD will be cancelled – info@laura’
      • If you’d like your DD to stop then you must email by the 7th of that month. Cancellations after the 7th will result in the next monthly direct debit being taken on the 7th of the following month. Once your DD has stopped you can still attend for the pre-paid lessons you paid for when you 1st joined. These pre-paid lessons are non-refundable, which you agreed to pay when signing up for our lessons. The end date for your lessons will be stated in your removal email once you have confirmed finishing.


  • If a client is unable to attend a lesson due to sickness or holiday. Laura’s Swim Academy are unable to refund the client as the payment secures the place for a full term. In the case of serious illness (i.e. a broken limb), each case will be considered individually and on the production of a doctor’s note a refund may be arranged for the number of weeks the doctor’s note covers or until the client returns (whichever is the sooner).


Your safety, as well as the safety of our team, is and always will be, our number one priority. Here at Laura’s Swim Academy we have always prided ourselves on innovation and excellence, with hygiene and health and safety at the top of our list.

  • Any medical condition information that may be affected by taking part in a swimming lesson, must be included in the registration online form so it can be recorded.
  • Customers are responsible for their children at all times.
  • Swimmers should not enter the pool until an LSA / Dinky Divers member of staff is already present, due to health & safety regulations.
  • You must not arrive poolside any earlier than 5 minutes before your lessons starts, this is to avoid congestion.
  • Mobile phones and audio-visual equipment are prohibited on poolside. Please note that instructors will have access to devices on poolside for the registers and progress reports.
  • Changing rooms are available before and after the lesson.
  • No food should be brought into the changing area or poolside.
  • All outdoor footwear must be removed before entering the poolside, please remove and do not put them back on until you have left poolside. Flipflops or bare foot is acceptable (Laura’s Swim Academy centre in Coleshill also sells reusable shoe covers at the reception).
  • We please ask that you keep the number of spectators coming to watch the lesson limited. This is to reduce the amount of people in the facility and if you can still keep a reasonable distance from each other if on poolside and in the changing facilities.
  • Baby/toddler/pre school morning classes, only 1 parent/guardian will be allowed in the water.
  • If you’re attending our baby/toddler lessons then please bring your own changing mat to use on poolside or in the changing rooms after the lesson has finished.
  • Parents/guardians must put on their child’s swim belts/swim jacket and goggles before the lesson starts.
  • Goggles will not be provided so you must bring you own.
  • We recommend that all clients purchase their own float belt/jacket (if needed). We however do lend them out if needed and we do sell them.
  • Face masks are optional.

Each week by attending your class and entering our swim centres you warrant that, to your knowledge, you and your child are medically and physically fit and able to undertake and participate in swim school activities and will not be a danger to yourself or to the health and safety of others. You acknowledge that you undertake all activities at your own risk and the swim school has not and cannot make any representation or guarantee that attending the venue or participating in swimming is free from risk.

If you would like to discuss or wish to have any clarification on any point before your booking, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  • Swimmers must go to the toilet and shower before entering the pool.
  • Swimmers must be wearing correct appropriate swim wear.
  • Any contagious infections must be dealt with appropriately, i.e. children with verrucae should wear verrucae socks.
  • Any medical condition(s), issues, or concerns, whether diagnosed or otherwise, must be notified to the instructor before the swimming lesson.
  • You must not bring your child to a class for at least 48hours after being clear of any systems of illness, sickness, or diarrhoea. If in doubt, then please seek medical advice.
  • Any child who is not toilet trained must wear a suitable swim nappy & nappicover, which can be purchased from LSA / Dinky Divers (upon requesting an order).


  • All instructors will have access to devices which they will use to sign children in on registers, check for any medical conditions and update progress reports. Instructors will only use the devices on poolside for these reasons.
  • Occasionally we take photos and videos during classes and use them for advertising/ marketing purposes on social media. This will only be prior to consent from the parent/guardian.
  • When you book a class, we require you to register your details and those of your child or children. We respect your need for privacy and keep any information that you share with us in confidence. We are bothered by spam and unsolicited phone calls as much as you are, and we do what we can to discourage these practices. The information you provide us is only shared with Laura’s Swim Academy & Dinky Divers and we do not share this information with any third parties. In short, we use your personal information only to serve you better. We want you to be comfortable contacting us.
  • From time we send out emails to our customers with information that we hope will be of interest. You can choose to unsubscribe to these emails at any time.
  • On exceedingly rare occasions we may be obliged to disclose your personal information to third parties, but this is only when we are legally obligated to disclose information or to assist fraud protection and minimize credit risk. We are obliged at the moment to disclose your contact information to the Government’s ‘Track & Trace’ operation should the need arise for the continued safety of our clients.
  • Any data sent electronically to us is done by yourself and so entirely your responsibility to keep updated. You are responsible for keeping the password you use to access your Laura’s Swim Academy & Dinky Divers account confidential.


  • We reserve the right to update our terms and conditions from time to time, and the amended version will be posted on our website and will take effect immediately. If deemed necessary, the amended terms and conditions will also be emailed to customers.
  • By using our website, and booking classes, customers are agreeing to be bound by our terms and conditions.

For more information on class days/times and lesson prices please fill out our enquiry form.